Algae Outbreaks

Summer algae outbreaks are every pool owner’s nightmare. Without proper care and maintenance, swimming pools and spas (especially ones in high demand over the summer), are prone to some form of algae. When it comes to mitigating algae growth, understanding what makes it thrive is the first step in taking control over your pool’s health. Keep your eye out for these top 4 causes of algae outbreaks.

Maintenance is a priority when it comes to combating algae. A broken down filtration system could make any treatment of algae a losing battle. Filtration systems circulate the water and clear it of any debris and bacteria, dispersing any stagnant water algae likes to call home. The healthiest pools filter their water a minimum of six to eight hours a day with return jets located in and around the pool to prevent stagnant water.
Two ingredients most commonly found in fertilizer are nitrogen and phosphorus. These elements are designed to supply your plants with the nutrients they need. While this can guarantee a gorgeous green landscape for you and your family to enjoy, it also guarantees a food source for hungry algae if any remnants of the fertilizer make it into the water.
Algae loves nitrogen, it thrives on it! During summer months, storms with a little help from high temperatures, become big nitrogen contributors in pools. In short, the nitrogen in the air comes in contact with raindrops, converts it to nitric acid, then makes its way into the pool making the perfect breeding ground for algae.
We all know when it comes to summer, the number one destination on everyone’s mind is the closest pool. Pool parties and events are a common occurrence, but having a higher than average amount of people swimming in your pool can quickly lead to dissipating chlorine levels and fast algae growth. Pools packed with swimmers bring all sorts of nasty elements: dirt, bacteria, sunscreen, you name it. This can all throw off your well-balanced pool and turn it into a breeding ground for algae.

Dealing With A Summer Swamp Of Your Own?

Our pool professionals can handle all your pool needs including cleaning up algae outbreaks. Take a look at some of the treatments we offer below, then contact us for a comprehensive plan from our team of experts to prevent future unsightly growth.

Armed with these facts and the assistance of a strong team of experts your swimming pool will be crystal clear from opening day to closing day and beyond.



We received a call from a new customer reporting that no water was flowing in their pool. They believed that the pump motor went out so they asked for a price for a new pump over the phone. After explaining that we do not sell equipment that we do not install, we provided an estimate over the phone for a new pump and offered a one year warranty on the parts installed. The customer thought they could save some money and purchased a pump at the local pool supply store and installed it themselves. Since providing the original estimate, 4 days had gone by, it was mid-summer and the pool was without sufficent water flow for several days. The pool was turning green.

We then recived a call from the customer who told us they still did not have water flow after they installed the new pump motor. We scheduled a time to go over and inspect the equipment and detemined that a valve was not functioning properly. The customer approved the valve replacment and water started flowing and the customer was happy. After inspecting the pump motor that the customer had installed, we explained that they had purchased substandard equipment and that this pump would likely need to run several more hours per day to perform as well as the equipment we would have used and installed, costing the customer approximately $60 more per month in electric cost.

The customer said that the local pool supply company showed them a chart and the pump was just the same. We explained it was not the same and since they purchased from a local pool supply store they only recieved a 30 day warranty.

We started to inspect further (this was a “DIY” or Do It Yourself pool owner), and after reviewing all chemicals the customer had purchased, we had to recommend discarding unacceptable items. By this time the customer just said can you please maintain my pool.

Now we started to tackle the discoloration and algae that the pool had developed over the 4 -5 days the pool had no water flow. As it was in the middle of the summer the plaster pool could not be drained, too risky when the temperature is around 100 degrees as the wall of the pool could pop and then we would have some serious damage to contend with. We explained to the customer that we could salvage the existing pool water but it would require 3 days of the pump running at 24 hours a day and visits over the 3 days to treat the pool while tearing down and cleaning the filter every other day. After 3 days of treatment and running the pump 24 hours per day, the pool was back to its proper color and chemical levels.

The moral of this story is you get what you pay for and going cheap could turn out to be more expensive in the long run. Do it right the first time and keep your pool crystal clear all year long.

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